회원님들께, 남승일입니다.
위원장이신 윤진희 교수님께서 SOKENDAI KEK Tsukuba/J-PARC Summer Student Program 2020에 대해 알려주셔서 이에 공지합니다. 감사합니다. 자세힌 내용은 아래 첨부 메일을 참조해 주십시오.
남승일 올림
Dear ANPhA Board members and ANPhA friends,
We、SOKENDAI and KEK、 are pleased to announce that KEK started call for application to the
"SOKENDAI KEK Tsukuba/J-PARC Summer Student Program 2020"
The major part of the program will be financially supported by SOKENDAI,
the Graduate University for Advanced Studies. Please see details in WEB site;
Application Deadline is
February 14th (Fri.) 9:00 AM (Japan time), 2020
We would like to invite applications from abroad (and from Japan).
Please announce this information to your surrounding possibly interested
parties and encourage to apply.
If you submit an application, please let me know, too.
Sincerely yours
Kazuhiro Tanaka
ANPhA Board member from Japan, and
Hadron Beamline Group,
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics,
KEK: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
*** NOTE **** NOTE **** NOTE **** NOTE **** NOTE **** NOTE **** NOTE ****
If a student is self-supported by any form, we may consider additional quota
for such a student. Please contact kekssp-sec@ml.post.kek.jp for such a case.