회원님들께, 남승일입니다.
윤진희 위원장닌께서 2020 AAPPS-APCTP CN Yang Award 추천 안내를 알려주셔서 이에 공지합니다. 감사합니다. 자세한 내용은 첨부메일을 참조해 주십시오.감사합니다.남승일 올림---------------------분과위원장님께안녕하세요? 한국물리학회입니다.AAPPS와 APCTP에서 CN Yang award 수상후보자를 추천받고 있습니다.물리학회의 경우 12개의 분과에서 분과위원장님 추천을 받아 1명씩 추천할 수 있습니다.아래 내용을 참고하시고 후보자 추천을 원하시는 분과에서는 2020년 3월 20일(금)까지 학회(office@kps.or.kr)로 추천서류를 보내주시기 바랍니다.*********** 아 래 ***********[추천 개요]1) 후보자 자격:- 박사학위 후 10년 이내- 국내(member country/region) 에서 이루어진 연구 업적 대상- 추천일 현재 소속이 국내이어야 함2) 상금: $10003) 추천 절차- 분과가 있는 회원국(Australia, CPS, KPS, JSAP, JPS, Indonesia, and Vietnam)은 각 분과위원장이 1명씩 추천 가능- 분과가 없는 회원국은 회장이 3명까지 추천 가능- 개인 추천: 가장 최근 APPC14 학술행사에 등록한 참가자는 1명 추천 가능- 자천 불가4) 추천 서류① A letter of not more than 5000 characters explaining the nominee’s achievements with a citation having less than 300 characters.② The nominee’s contact information.③ The nominee’s biographical information, including the date when the nominee’s PhD was received and the institution where the PhD was awarded.④ The nominee’s publication list, including the URL information where the complete texts of five of the nominee’s foremost publications can be retrieved.[참고사항]- CN Yang Award는 아태지역 젊은 연구자들(2~4명)에게 시상하는 상으로 3년마다 APPC에서 시상하였으나 작년(2019년)부터 매년 시상하는 것으로 변경되었습니다.******************아 래 끝*****************감사합니다.박수아 드림---------------------------------------------------------------------------------(06130) 서울 강남구 테헤란로 7길 22 한국과학기술회관 신관 601호한국물리학회 사무국장 박수아TEL: 02-556-4737(내선8)FAX: 02-554-1643----------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: AAPPS-APCTP C.N. Yang Award [mailto:award@apctp.org] Sent: Monday, February 03, 2020 2:58 PM Subject: [Nomination] 2020 AAPPS-APCTP CN Yang Award Dear Presidents of the AAPPS Member Societies, I hope this email finds you well.Since there was a typo in my previous email, I am sending the email below once again. My apologies for the inconvenience.I am pleased to send you the information regarding the opening and the procedures of nominations for the AAPPS-APCTP CN Yang Award for 2020.- Each division chair from each member society with divisional structure is invited to nominate one (1) young scientist who has obtained a Ph.D. in physics or an equivalent degree no more than 10 years.- The president of each member society without a divisional structure is invited to nominate up to three (3) young scientists.Nominees should demonstrate a commitment to both excellence in scientific research, as evidenced by scholarly publication and development of leaders in physics in the Asia Pacific region.The submission deadline for nomination is April 15, 2020. Those submissions must be made to the secretary of AAPPS and the administrative office of APCTP at award@apctp.org.Please visit the CN Yang Award website(http://aapps.org/myboard/list_blog.php?Page=1&Board=chen_ning_yang) for more details which includes· Eligibility· Channel of Nominations· Nomination Package· Prize· Procedure for the final selection process; and· Information on past winners.The winner will be announced at the Award Ceremony to be held at the APCTP, Korea in October (TBC).If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and the AAPPS Secretary, Prof. Nobuko Naka at award@apctp.org.- 2020 CN Yang Award Website: http://aapps.org/myboard/list_blog.php?Page=1&Board=chen_ning_yangBest Regards,Eunjeong Lee----------------------------------------------------------Ms. Eunjeong Lee, AAPPS Liaison Officer and Editorial Staff / Science Diplomacy and CooperationAsia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics Hogil Kim Memorial Building #501, POSTECH,67 Cheongamro, Namgu, Pohang, Gyeongbuk 37673, Korea Tel: +82-54-279-8663, Fax: +82-54-279-8679