회원님들께, 남승일입니다.
이희정 교수님께서 The 19th CNS International Summer School (CNSSS20)의 안내를 해주셔서 이에 공지합니다. 감사합니다. 자세한 내용은 첨부메일을 참조해 주십시오.
남승일 올림
한국물리학회 핵물리학 분과의 다양한 정보는 홈페이지를 참조해 주십시오.
Dear Prof. Hee-Jung Lee,
As of the past years, we will hold the 19th CNS summer school.
The school is co-hosted by the Asian 3 Foresight program.
Due to the COVID-19, however, we cannot invite students abroad
to Japan. Therefore, we decided to have an on-line school.
Maybe the announcement of the school is already distributed in Korea.
But at this moment, there is no registration of Korean students.
We wish you to advertise the following announcement of the A3F-CNSSS20
in the nuclear physics community in Korea.
Nobu Imai
Dear Colleagues,
The 19th CNS International Summer School (CNSSS20), co-hosted by Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo and by A3 Foresight program, will be held for Aug.17 - Aug.21, 2020. The school is supported by RikenNishinaCenter and cooperated by ANPhA. We decided to have online school to keep social distancing for COVID-19.
The lecturers of the CNSSS20 include,
Prof. Or Hen (MIT, USA) "Nuclear correlation via electron beams"
Prof. Hiroari Miyatake (WNSC, KEK) "Energy-dessipated nuclear reactions"
Prof. Kazuyuki Ogata (RCNP, Osaka University) "Knockout-reaction with RIB"
Prof. Kazuyuki Sekizawa (Niigata University, Japan) "Time-Dependent Microscopic Approaches for Nuclear Dynamics: From Nuclei to Neutron Stars"
Dr. Tetsuya Sato (JAEA, Japan) "Nuclear Chemistory of super heavy elements"
The registration is now open from Registration section of the web page https://indico2.cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/event/102. The information about the video conference room will be informed only to the registrants.
As the past CNSSS, we will have young scientist sessions where the Ph.D students and Post-docs contribute to oral presentation. From 2018 we select a few persons from the poster and oral presentations as the winners of “CNSSS Young Scientist Awards”. The certificate and a gift will be given to the winners. For the best presentation, AAPPS-DNP/ANPhA award for young physisit is also presented.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at the school.
With best regards
A3F-CNSSS20 Organizing Committee
Nobu Imai/Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Hirosawa 2-1, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
#207 CNS building,