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고려대 홍병식 교수님께서 SNP2020 안내를 해주셔서 이에 공지합니다. 감사합니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 첨부메일을 참조해 주십시오.
남승일 올림 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 한국물리학회 핵물리학 분과의 다양한 정보는 홈페이지를 참조해 주십시오. https://dnpkps.wixsite.com/home -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************** Second Announcement ****************** International School for Strangeness Nuclear Physics ( SNP School 2020 ) December 2nd, Wednesday to 5th, Saturday, 2020 at J-PARC, Tokai, JAPAN with online school ********************************************************* * School Website: http://lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp/snpsc2020/ We are pleased to announce that the SNP School 2020 will be held at J-PARC, Tokai, Japan, from December 2nd to 5th, 2020. This is the ninth one of a series that has been held every year since 2012. Recently, the SNP School were held in 2017 at Tokai (J-PARC), 2018 in Osaka (RCNP) and 2019 at Sendai (Tohoku U). Considering the situation of COVID-19 and especially for participants from abroad, the school will be held mainly by a remote style. If the situation is getting improved, possible participants (Japan domestic) can attend the school at Tokai, while others still in remote, namely the style of the school will be hybrid. Every participant is required to have or bring his/her PC which can connect the network. We would like to use a zoom system. The school consists of lectures on strangeness nuclear physics as well as other wider subjects from hadrons to cold atom physics, short presentations by young participants, and J-PARC accelerator facility tour, if we can. We will invite the following leading scientists as lecturers; Prof. Koji Miwa (Tohoku U.): Hyperon-proton scattering experiment as a basic and new tool to investigate hyperon-nucleon interaction Dr. Pascal Naidon (RIKEN): Cold atom and universal physics (tentative) Dr. Yusuke Tanimura (Tohoku U.): Microscopic Approach to Nuclear Fission Prof. Laura Tolos (ICE (CSIC, Barcelona)) : Strangeness in Nuclei and Neutron Stars Dr. Hideki Ueno (RIKEN): Nuclear spectroscopy with spin-polarized RI beams In the young researchers’ session, school students are required to give a short oral presentation if she/he are supported financially from the school. Other students are also highly encouraged to contribute to the young researchers’ session. Among the presentations, best and second-best presenters are selected and will be awarded school prize (Hashimoto Prize or School Incentive Prize and ANPhA Prize). Details of how you can contribute will be announced in the Final Announcement. Participants at Tokai will visit the J-PARC accelerator facility, if possible. An online tour is also in consideration. All the presenters in the young researchers’ session are given a “Certificate of Completion of the School”. The certificate is also given in the ORCID system for the requested participants. * Registration fee No registration fee is required. In case of the face to face style school, lunch boxes and party may be charged. * Application Participants who wish presentation or financial support (in case of face to face style) should be registered via the following URL with 1 page abstract of the presentation. Organizer reserves some rooms at J-PARC Dormitory next to the School site, those who request Dormitory room should be checked at the Application Page. We may select presenters and/or those who get financial supports based on the submitted abstract. Registration page: https://forms.gle/UAQ9EN1cdLDpMG2fA * Important dates: Application deadline for those who wish presentation and travel support: Oct. 15, 2020 Application deadline for remote connection only: Nov. 15, 2020 SNP School 2020: Dec. 2 - 5, 2020 (9:00 - 18:00, JST) * Contact: snpsc20_AT_lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp. (“_AT_ “ should be replaced to “@”.) Toshiyuki Takahashi Atsushi Hosaka Satoshi N. Nakamura Chairs of SNP School 2020 Hosted by J-PARC, RCNP-Osaka, ELPH-Tohoku, KEK-IINAS, ASRC JAEA, ANPhA, RIKEN Nishina Center and GP-PU of Tohoku Univ., and supported by Grand-In-Aids for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Clustering as a window on the hierarchical structure of quantum systems” and “Toward new frontier: Encounter and synergy of state-of-the-art astronomical detectors and exotic quantum beams”, MEXT Japan.