인하대 강입자 이론 연구실에서 박사후 연구원을 모집합니다. 핵물리 분과에 아래의 모집 공고를 회람해 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.
김현철 드림
Dear colleagues,
A postdoc position is available at Hadron Theory Group, Inha University in Incheon (Korea) in the field of theoretical hadron physics/Structure of light and heavy hadrons/Hadronic reactions including photoproduction. This opening position is supported by the Center for Extreme Nuclear Matter (CENum) that is one of the SRC(Special Research Center) program. The contract will be one year and will be extended maximum for three years. The salary will start from 2,500,000KRW (2,2000-2,300USD). Interested candidates are invited to contact Hyun-Chul Kim (hchkim@inha.ac.kr).