HP2024 3rd announcement
July 24, 2024
Dear all,
We hope this e-mail finds you well. As the Hard Probes 2024 conference will be held less than 2 months from now, we would like to make some announcements.
(1) Registration:
The early registration will be closed on July 26th (Fri.). After that, the registration fee will be 80,000 JPY for the regular participants and 40,000 JPY for young researchers. If you plan to attend HP2024, and have not done the registration yet, please make a registration from the following indico page, and finish your payment through the indico page by July 26.
(2) Scam mail regarding accommodation:
If you receive an e-mail from Operations GTE
<operations@gtravelservice.com> regarding your accommodation in Nagasaki
with the following subject, "Accommodation for <Your Name> in Nagasaki, Japan - September 22-27, 2024 - Dejima Messe Nagasaki”, that is a scam mail.
The HP2024 local organization committee dose not have a contract with any travel agencies regarding the accommodations for HP2024 in Nagasaki. If you receive this kind of e-mail, please ignore it. We also attached an image of this scam mail at the bottom of this e-mail. For the accommodation in Nagasaki, the following page provided by HP2024 might be useful.
And if you are interested in the room sharing in Nagasaki, "Room Sharing" link under "Accommodations" on the menu in indico would be useful. This page can be only visible after the registration.
(3) HP2024 conference poster:
The conference poster for HP2024 (designed by Y. Tachibana) is now available (attached and the following link).
We are looking forward to meeting you in Nagasaki, Japan in September!
On behalf of the Hard Probes 2024 local organizing committee:
Tetsufumi Hirano (Sophia Univ.),
Kazunori Itakura (NiAS),
Ken Oyama (NiAS),
Tatsuya Chujo (Univ. of Tsukuba)