Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 3rd International Symposium on Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe, Particles, and Other Applications (QUPosium2024) to be held on December 9-11 in Tsukuba (Epochal Center), hosted by WPI-QUP, a World Premier International Center at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) promoted by the Japanese government.
Registration is open. More details and program:
QUPosium2024 aims to bring together leading experts and researchers to discuss the most exciting developments and exchange ideas toward discovering novel quantum fields using quantum sensing approaches and technologies. Leading experts will introduce big questions and methods to address them in their research areas, as well as cutting-edge research results and new directions. A limited number of contributed talks discussing new research results on related topics will be presented. Symposium participants will also have the opportunity to present posters of their research.
The symposium is open to researchers and students in related fields.
Confirmed Plenary Speakers:
- Celine Boehm (U. Sydney / U. Edinburgh)
- Oliver Buchmuller (Imperial Col. London)
- Dmitry Budker (U. California, Berkeley / JGU, Mainz)
- John Callas (NASA / JPL)
- Michael Doser (CERN)
- Graciela Gelmini (UCLA)
- Kaori Hattori (AIST / QUP)
- Hideo Iizuka (Toyota Central R&D Lab. / QUP)
- Kent Irwin (Stanford)
- Kiwamu Izumi (JAXA)
- Nobu-Hisa Kaneko (NMIJ/AIST)
- David Kaplan (Johns Hopkins U.)
- Joseph Krschvink (Caltech)
- Kazunori Nakayama (Tohoku U. / QUP)
- Yuichiro Matsuzaki (Chuo U.)
- Yuta Michimura (U. Tokyo)
- Masaya Miyahara (KEK / QUP)
- Norikazu Mizuochi (Kyoto U.)
- Matt Pyle (U. California, Berkeley)
- Pramod Reddy (U. Michigan)
- Marianna Safronova (U. Delaware)
- Chiara Salemi (Stanford)
- Andrew Sonnenschein (Fermilab)
- Michael Tobar (U. Western Australia)
- Atsushi Yamaguchi (RIKEN)
- Masahito Yamazaki (Kavli IPMU, U. Tokyo)
Special QUP Seminar (Dec. 11): John Callas (NASA / JPL) - "Mars Exploration Rovers"
We are looking forward to seeing you at this exciting event.
Best regards,
Organizing Committee:
Christopher Betancourt (QUP, KEK)
Suerfu Burkhant (QUP, KEK)
Yuji Chinone (QUP, KEK)
Masashi Hazumi [Chair] (QUP, KEK)
Kazuhisa Mitsuda (QUP, KEK)
Volodymyr Takhistov [Co-Chair] (QUP, KEK)
For additional information, please also contact