XV International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2025, Tokyo, Sep.29-Oct.3, 2025) First Announcement
We cordially invite you to the 15th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2025), held September 29 – October 3, 2025, in Tokyo, JAPAN. HYP2025 continues a series of conferences that began in Heidelberg (1982) and has since been hosted at Brookhaven (1985), Padova (1988), Shimoda (1991), Vancouver (1994), Brookhaven (1997), Torino (2000), JLab (2003), Mainz (2006), Tokai (2009), Barcelona (2012), Sendai (2015), Norfolk/Portsmouth (2018), and Prague (2022). This conference brings together theoreticians and experimentalists working in hadron and nuclear physics involving strangeness. Over the years, HYP has continuously evolved, embracing new and challenging research areas and expanding its scope to encompass emerging fields in nuclear and particle physics. The topics have broadened to include low-energy QCD, hot and dense matter, and hadronic and nuclear systems involving heavier flavors.
Scientific Program Topics to be discussed at the conference include:
- Production, structure, and decay of hypernuclei
- Multistrange systems
- Interactions of mesons and baryons with strangeness
- Strangeness in hadron structure
- Strange mesons in nuclei
- Strangeness in astrophysics and extreme forms of matter
- Heavy flavor systems
- Hypernuclei in heavy ion collisions
- Future experiments and facilities
The scientific program (Monday, September 29 to Friday, October 3) comprises invited talks in the plenary and parallel sessions and contributed papers in the parallel and poster sessions.
Host / Support Institutions
The HYP2025 conference is hosted by Quark Nuclear Science Institute (QNSI), Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo. We are currently requesting support from several institutions.
Conference Website (Detailed information will be provided on the website.)
Hongo-Campus, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
The call for abstracts and registration will begin in spring 2025.
All the correspondence concerning the conference should be addressed to