Job announcement
Postdoctoral position, hadron theory, Institute of Modern Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Huizhou
We announce the opening of a postdoc position starting in 2025 with a
flexible stating date at the Huizhou campus of the Institute of Modern
Physics (IMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. The position is for two
years and there is a possibility of third-year extension. The base
salary is 300k RMB/year including taxes. Candidates should have a Ph.D
degree at the starting date and they should be under 35 years old.
Successful applicants are expected to work on theoretical hadron physics
and related fields with Shunzo Kumano at the IMP, especially on
structure functions of hadrons at high energies. Applicants with broad
interests in related particle and nuclear physics fields are also
welcome to apply.
The Huizhou campus is a new campus of IMP and it started a few years ago
It is becoming one of world's activity centers in hadron physics by
hosting domestic and international conferences. The High-Intensity Heavy
Ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) will be completed soon in 2025. There
are large international airports nearby in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong
Kong, so that access is easy from major cities in China and foreign
An applicant should send a curriculum vitae including date of birth and
Ph.D date, a list of publications, and a research plan. One also needs
to arrange at least two reference letters to be sent directly by the
referees. The review will start with receiving the application documents
and will continue until the positions are filled. If you already applied
for the postdoc announcement at https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2870414, you
may just send a cover letter.
Contact: Prof. Shunzo Kumano (kumanos2025@gmail.com)