We would like to send you a reminder about the 5th KMI International
School to be held on March 5-7, 2024. "Quantum Computing and
Technology for Particle Physics and Astrophysics".
This year's school is co-hosted with the ICEPP at the University of
Tokyo, ICEPP members will give lectures and hands-on sessions on
quantum computing/sensor (please bring your own PC).
The contents of the lectures are as follows:
1. Introduction to quantum computation
2. Representation of physical systems and quantum dynamics simulation
3. Applications to high-energy experiments (quantum machine learning,
tracking, optimization, etc.)
4. Introduction to superconducting qubits and quantum computers
5. Introduction to quantum sensors
In addition, the following seminars related to quantum information and
sensor development are planned:
1. Kosuke Mitarai (Osaka): Introduction to Quantum Computation and Its
Application in Particle Physics
2. Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN): Quantum Machine Learning in High Energy Physics
3. Raphael Cervantes (FNAL): Wavelike Dark Matter with SRF cavities
and Superconducting Qubits at SQMS
4. Sam Posen (FNAL): Overview of the Superconducting Quantum Materials
and Systems (SQMS) Center, a US Department of Energy Quantum Research
5. Tatsuma Nishioka (Osaka): Quantum error correction and high energy physics"
6. Haruna Katayama (Hiroshima): Analogue black hole solitons in a
superconducting transmission line
7. Yuimaru Kubo (OIST): Quantum Techonologies with Hybrid Systems
For the detailed timetable, please refer to the following indico:
The deadline for registration (online / onsite) is Monday, February
19. There is still time to register if you are interested in
attending. If you are interested, please register here, and please
encourage young people around you to attend.