Dear Colleagues,
NuSYM24, the XIIth International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy will be held during September 9-13 in Caen (France) organized by GANIL.
The previous NuSym Symposia:
Scientific scope
The purpose of NuSYM24 consists of discussing advances in experimental and theoretical studies of the nuclear equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter and relevant advances in astrophysics. An important role of the symposium is to unify efforts of the nuclear physics and astrophysics communities in addressing common research challenges.
The program will cover the current state of research and expected development trends in various centers and facilities in the world. The symposium, while providing a convenient space and time for discussions of burning problems and future directions, will also offer opportunities to build collaborations to advance in inter-related research fields.
Topics of the NuSym conference:
Nuclear equation-of-state (EoS) and symmetry energy in laboratory experiments, in astrophysical observations, and microscopic theories.
Nuclear structure and direct reactions.
Heavy-ion collision experiments.
Transport model simulations of heavy-ion reactions.
Microscopic calculations of neutron-rich dense nuclear matter.
Isospin dependence of nuclear effective interactions.
Clustering in isospin-asymmetric nuclear systems.
Astrophysical multi-messenger observations.
Theory of compact stars and neutron star mergers.
Supernova theory for neutrino emission and nucleosynthesis.
Investigations at existing and future accelerator facilities.
Detector developments.
The scientific sessions will consist of invited talks and contributed presentations among the submitted abstracts.
Registration and Abstracts
Webpage for registration is :
Participants wishing to present a contribution (oral or poster) should submit an abstract directly on the website. The deadline for abstract submission is June 30, 2024.
The conference registration fee will be 290€, including coffee breaks, lunches and social dinner. There will be no fee for undergraduate students and PhD students and a charge of 100€ for accompanying person.
To pay by credit card, please follow the link below :
Practical information
NuSYM24 will take place at Abbaye aux Dames (to be confirmed), located in Caen, Normandy, France.
The Symposium will start on the morning of Monday, September 9th and end on Friday noon, September 13th.
Transport models satellite workshop will take place on Friday afternoon.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline June 30th, 2024
Notification of abstract acceptance July 26th, 2024
Registration deadline August 22nd, 2024
NuSym24 scientific sessions September 9-13th, 2024
Transport models satellite workshop September 14th, 2024
Accommodation and travel
Information on lodging and travel is available on our website.
We would appreciate if you could bring this Symposium to the attention of your colleagues. Participation of young researchers is strongly encouraged.
You can contact us at the following address:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need an invitation letter for visa application.
Tom Aumann (GSI)
Abdelouahad Chbihi (GANIL)
Maria Colonna (INFN, LNS)
Pawel Danielewicz (MSU)
Tim Dietrich (University of Potsdam)
Byungsik Hong (Korea University)
Charles Horowitz (Indiana Univ.)
Arnaud Le Fèvre (GSI)
Yvonne Leifels (GSI)
Bao-An Li (TAMU-Commerce)
Jerzy Lukasik (IFJ-PAN)
Akira Ono (Tohoku University)
Wolfgang Trautmann (GSI)
Betty Tsang (MSU/NSCL)
Giuseppe Verde (INFN Catania)
Hermann Wolter (Univ. Munich)
Zhigang Xiao (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Sherry Yennello (Texas A&M)
Abdelouahad Chbihi (GANIL)
Anthea Fantina (GANIL)
Diego Gruyer (LPC, Caen)
Marie-Laure Abavent (GANIL) Administrative secretary.