Title: Advancing hadron Physics: A Workshop on High-Momentum Secondary Beams at J-PARC
Date: 1-2 August 2024
Place: Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University Hall and Zoom
Web page: https://indico.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/event/2404/
*Workshop is a hybrid style of onsite and Zoom.
*The presenters are basically invited speakers.
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, in collaboration with KEK Particle and Nuclear Research Institute and J-PARC Center, is constructing a collaborative research platform for hadron physics at the high-momentum beam line of the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. We plan to construct a π20 beamline, which can provide high-intensity and high-resolution secondary beams such as pion, kaon, and anti-proton, by upgrading the current high-momentum beam line. At the π20 beamline, we are developing various hadron physics and related research, such as spectroscopy of charmed and multi-strange baryons. To start high-momentum secondary beam experiments at the current Hadron Experimental Facility, the π20 beam line phase 1 project is underway to extract secondary beams without modifying the current high-momentum beam line configuration.
In this workshop, we will review the physics of high-momentum beam reactions and discuss experimental plans using secondary particle beams in Phase 1 of the π20 beam line. We will exchange ideas on how to proceed with experiments in Phase 1 and new experimental ideas, and establish a roadmap for the construction of a full beam line after Phase 1. This workshop has the potential to shape the future of hadron physics research, including experimental research at the K10 beam line.
We discuss topics as follows,
・Hadron spectroscopy and interactions
・Hadronic changes in the nuclear medium
・Nucleon structure
・Detector and DAQ development.
Organizing Committee:
K. Shirotori(RCNP), H. Noumi(RCNP/KEK), T. Ishikawa(RCNP), K. Suzuki(RCNP), T. Akaishi(RCNP),
M. Naruki(Kyoto), N. Tomida(Kyoto), S. Yokkaichi(RIKEN), F. Sakuma(RIKEN), H. Takahashi(KEK),
S. Sawada(KEK), K. Ozawa(KEK), K. Aoki(KEK), Y. Morino(KEK)
Contact: sirotori@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp